Healthy Grain Crushing
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Food for Thought


The multi-layered outer skin of the kernel that helps to protect the other two parts of the kernel from sunlight, pests, water, and disease. It contains important antioxidants, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, B vitamins, fiber, and phytonutrients.

Germ: The embryo, which, if fertilized by pollen, will sprout into a new plant. It contains B vitamins, vitamin E, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and unsaturated fats.

The germ's food supply, which, if the grain were allowed to grow would provide essential energy to the young plant.  As the largest portion of the kernel, the endosperm contains starchy carbohydrates, proteins, and small amounts of vitamins and minerals.

UPDATES:  4/27/2015
Dan and Nancy Kremer of E.A.T. Food for Life Farm have been in business for awhile and have tried our crushed wheat.   They have tried our products and use all four particle sizes for their specific purposes. They have written a testimonial for our products.

Read the Healthy Food Crushed Wheat article.

Gluten Free??  According to Paula Figoni, Author "How Baking Works" Third Edition Page 136:

Gluten is not in wheat, it is formed when Glutenin and Gliadin (two proteins) are introduced to water.  The result of this introduction is is what the world knows as Gluten!

The design of our Grain Crusher is the protection of the cells which allows for the avoidance of damage or interjection of water to Glutenin and Gliadin (two proteins).  Therefore, the result of our process and patented machine design is logically a Gluten Free product??  We have had volunteers who were gluten intolerant eat our bread and use our crushed wheat without any negative reactions!!

Read Paula Figoni's article re: The Formation and Development of Gluten pg 136


When a grain is refined, most of the bran and some of the germ is removed, resulting in losses of fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, trace minerals, unsaturated fat, and about 75 percent of the phytochemicals. Compared to refined grains, most whole grains provide more protein, fiber and other traditional nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, and potassium, in addition to many phytochemicals.

Today, foods made with whole grains are recognized as important sources of nutrients including fiber, trace minerals, and certain vitamins. Additional health-promoting components and phytochemicals found in whole grains are not restored through traditional grain enrichment and fortification practices and are believed to play a key role in reducing risk of disease. Research shows that healthful diets rich in whole grain foods are helpful in reducing the risks of heart disease, certain types of cancer, and type II diabetes, and may also help in weight management. When we dry our grains, we do not go above 95 degrees to ensure we do not kill any live nutrition in the grains.

Food manufacturers are offering more options for consumers who want to increase their intake of whole grains. Recent consumer research conducted by the International Food Information Council Foundation shows that more than half of consumers (64%) are increasingly interested in consuming more whole grain foods. In response to the increase in consumer demand, food manufacturers are creating new products and reformulating existing products to contain increased levels of whole grains.
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